Middleware to add render data to all render requests

至少到目前为止,如题所描述的并不妥,但是最开始在stackoverflow上搜到了Middleware to add render data to all render requests找到要找的答案。


accountRouter.get('/tutorLogin', function (req, res){
    res.render('account/login_tutor.html', {
        user: req.signedCookies, 
        nav : 'Login', 
        role : 'teacher'

accountRouter.get('/studentLogin', function (req, res){
    res.render('account/login_student.html', {
        user: req.signedCookies, 
        nav : 'Login', 
        role : 'student'


太多重复的user: req.signedCookies,因此在想有没有比较优雅的写法,能拦截res.render方法,在此执行user:req.signedCookies,便一劳永逸的可以直接在模板上进行使用啦!



An object that contains response local variables scoped to the request, and therefore available only to the view(s) rendered during that request / response cycle (if any). Otherwise, this property is identical to app.locals.

This property is useful for exposing request-level information such as the request path name, authenticated user, user settings, and so on.



app.locals.title = 'My App';
Written on October 13, 2015